Bob & Jean Wollenberg, Co-Pastors

Bob and Jean Wollenberg have both been ordained Presbyterian pastors for over 25 years.  They are originally from New York: Jean from Long Island and Bob from Buffalo. They are graduates of McCormick Theological Seminary. Their entire ordained ministry has been spent serving churches in the Midwest. While at a church in St. Joseph, Missouri, they shared a single pastoral position for 10 years. Although this kind of co-pastoring was still somewhat unique at the time, it has since become much more common among churches. During the last 11 years, they were called to different ministries: Bob, as the pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Washington, Iowa; and Jean, as the executive director of the Washington County Hospice.  Now they sense that God is once again calling them to share a single pastoral position as a clergy couple.

Both Bob and Jean love spending time with people of all ages. They have spent many years working with children and youth in Vacation Bible Schools and mission trips, as well as time spent listening to the stories that inhabit the life of each congregation. They find that their individual ministry gifts find their place in the work of the church when they bring them together. Bob and Jean also have a passion for music, especially traditional Celtic music, which they perform together whenever they get a chance.